The Hole Page 6
"Oh, yes, I can't wait any longer. Put your cock in my pussy and fill me with baby cream!"
I took her at her word and raised her legs to my shoulders. Normally, I prefer the missionary position; Hannah has taught me that both of us are most comfortable in that position, but I really wanted to pound Green Leaf tonight. Her vagina opened up to me so invitingly that I was sure that I was doing the right thing. I could see the oily liquid lubricant puddled at her entrance, so I positioned my cock head at the right place and pushed hard.
She was so slick that I bottomed out with my pubic bone pressed against her clit. She squealed at the contact and began humping at me, causing a repetitive bump against her clit. "Please hurry up. Fuck me! I can't stand it!" I began to bounce against her pussy with each stroke as I drew nearly all the way out of her cunt before driving back in as hard as I could. She started to chant, "Fuck... fuck... fuck." in time with my strokes. Suddenly, she came again with her loudest scream of all and clamped down on my cock with all of her pussy muscles. That was all I needed to squirt jet after jet of "baby cream" into her cunt. The feeling was so intense that I fainted, too.
Chapter Six
Green Leaf spent the whole following day talking to Moon Glow and Gentle Rain about her experience the night before. She had never before had a real orgasm and didn't know that she even could have one. She was not bragging to her co-wives, she was just marveling at the fact that it had happened to her. She was now convinced that I was truly favored by the gods.
I had to admit to Hannah that all of this praise was making both my heads swell, but I was worried that I would not be able to live up to the hype. Hannah assured me that all I had to do was to be myself. The women of this time had no standard to compare me to, except for the uncaring men they normally dealt with, so my natural tendency to be considerate of other people was all I needed.
These next two nights with Moon Glow and Gentle Rain were pretty much a repeat of the night with Green Leaf. They, too, had multiple orgasms, the first they had ever experienced, so my reputation was preserved.
Well, I was now a married man with 4 wives and 4 children. Of course, one of my wives was Hannah, who was a special case, but my other wives didn't know that. We were in desperate need of a division of labor to take advantage of our pluses and to minimize our minuses.
Our assets were one adult male, 3 adult females, 2 male children, and 2 female children. But our biggest asset was the super machine commonly known as Hannah. Hannah was an army in one beautiful body.
Our minuses were the same as our assets, except for Hannah. Normally, only one adult male simply could not feed 8 people for any length of time. Hannah could easily feed all of us, and we probably would have to depend on her for that. One of the boys was old enough to help in the hunting, but he would be a liability until Hannah could complete his training. Under normal conditions, no male would take hunting lessons from a woman, but I planned to use a combination of cigarette smoke and my abilities at persuasion to convince Strong Arm that it was not unmanly to learn from a woman.
The first thing we needed to do with Strong Arm was to make him an atlatl and spears sized to fit his arm. The day after my "marriage" to his mother, Green Leaf, Hannah and I began training Strong Arm in the proper use of the atlatl. Strong Arm lived up to his name—he could launch a spear 35 yards without breaking a sweat. All he needed was practice to become an expert with the atlatl.
That afternoon, Hannah took him on a short hunting expedition to look for elk. "Hunting" was almost a misnomer for Hannah, since her AI could predict with considerable accuracy where to find any game she wanted. Hannah didn't make it look too easy, because she wanted to develop good hunting habits in Strong Arm, but she made sure that they found their elk. She let him launch the first spear; to her surprise, he scored a hit, though it was not a fatal wound. Hannah completed the kill, but made Strong Arm feel good about his efforts.
They constructed a travois and attached it to their spare horse. Strong Arm returned in triumph, albeit, barely able to stay on his horse. Green Leaf greeted him with tears of joy—her son had proved himself a capable hunter ready to contribute to feeding his family and friends.
While they were gone, I made an atlatl and spear for Sharp Eye, Moon Glow's son. He was not old enough to be a hunter for our family, but he would be valuable if we had to defend our home against animals or humans. Sharp Eye didn't have the range of Strong Arm, but he was as accurate. I thought that all he needed was practice.
They were harder to convince to try it, but I talked my new wives into learning to use the atlatl. The fact that they were not as strong as men was less important with the atlatl as a weapon, and they had Hannah to use for an example. I insisted that if "she" could use the atlatl effectively, so could they. Again, I emphasized that they might be needed to help defend our cave from intruders, animal or human.
Hannah and Strong Arm made two more hunting expeditions to get as much elk as they could bring home. We needed to stock up on jerky, because I wanted to send Hannah on some errands, and we couldn't be sure what Strong Arm could come up with by himself. Once we had the meat, I sent Hannah back to Fabton to try to get at least 20 more bronze points for atlatl spears. I had a feeling that we were going to need them.
Strong Arm was a pleasant surprise—he turned out to be an excellent hunter. Before she left, Hannah had suggested several places for him to hunt, and the atlatl let him bring down 2 or 3 elk each time he went out. As a safety measure, Sharp Eye went with him and managed to get some exposure to hunting, though Sharp Eye's main function was to be a safety lookout. On one occasion, Sharp Eye did spot a dire wolf in time to warn Strong Arm, so that they escaped a confrontation.
Hannah returned with the requested spear points and reported that Big Foot was doing a good job of integrating the new people into Fabton. Big Foot asked if we needed anything else besides the spear points. Hannah told him that we were getting along fine right now and related the story of my 3 new wives. Big Foot said that he was happy that things were working out so well for us. She also reported that Big Foot had received word that the people with the strange feathered spears were becoming even more aggressive.
This latter news really bothered me. Even with the atlatls, I didn't think that either our group or Big Foot's could withstand a determined attack. I had wanted to put it off, but it looked like I was going to have to "invent" gunpowder if we were going to fight off invaders. I consulted Hannah's AI for a source of bat guano. There was a cave near enough to us to be a good source, so I wanted to visit there as soon as we could arrange it.
While we were getting ready, I assigned Cool Breeze, Green Leaf's oldest daughter, the job of "manufacturing" cigarette lighter flints. I had discovered that I could remove the flint from my lighter and reassemble it. As soon as the lighter was reassembled, a new flint appeared in place, ready for use. One day, I hoped to duplicate the whole lighter, but right now I was happy to settle for the misch metal "flints." I planned to use these in the fuses for my gunpowder weapons. All Cool Breeze had to do was open the lighter, remove the flint, and reassemble the lighter. She was fast with her hands, so she had accumulated a good stock of flints in only a few days.
Gentle Rain was left in charge of the cave with the two girls and Sharp Eye to help her while the rest of us went to the cave to mine guano. We couldn't carry much in the packs we put on the three horses, but we got enough to get us started extracting the potassium nitrate oxidizing agent. When we got back home, I sent the rest of them back for more guano while I started the extraction process. After the fifth trip, I thought we had enough guano for our first batch of gunpowder.
It was a pain to extract the potassium nitrate with the crude tools I had to work with; thank God for the experience I'd had in my home chemistry laboratory! While I was working with the guano, Moon Glow made some charcoal. I sent Strong Arm and Hannah to collect some of the sulfur; they were gone a week, but when they got back, I had all the ingredients I need
ed for the gunpowder.
I mixed up a small batch and tested it. There was a flash, a small bang, and lots of smoke. OK, I was in business! I mixed up all of the ingredients I had and did the necessary additional processing to make a usable blasting powder. This time I got a big bang when I tested a small batch!
OK, I had gunpowder, what should I do with it? I decided on hand grenades as the simplest choice. I thought that a copy of the German "potato masher" design was probably the best bet for something all of my people could use. Anybody could throw a stick, so that was the way I went.
Hannah found us some usable clay and made crude pottery bottles we could attach to a stick. I was afraid of the traditional hand grenade fuse because of the inexperience of my people, so I went for a contact fuse. The heart of the fuse was a cigarette lighter flint, so I was pretty sure of a reliable spark.
I made up some dummy grenades for practice use, and we used these to learn how to arm and throw the grenade. I had been afraid that the girls would not be able to throw the grenades far enough to be safe, but they both wanted to be shown how, so I did. I figured that if they had to use a grenade, we were all dead anyway, so why not?
The live grenades were a surprise for those who were not familiar with gunpowder. The explosion was frightening to the thrower, so I hoped that it would be just as shocking for those on the receiving end. We had put some rocks in the grenade to try to get some fragmentation action, but I was mostly counting on the concussion to do the job. I made up 50 of the grenades, but I was sure that we would never need that many.
Out of curiosity, when I had Hannah alone, I asked her how far she thought that she could throw a grenade. Hannah answered, "I'm not sure, probably about a mile, but my accuracy would not be very good. I probably would be adequately accurate up to 500 yards." I didn't say anything; what could I say? I dropped all thought of building a trebuchet.
We settled into a pleasant routine of Hannah going hunting with Strong Arm, Green Leaf doing the cooking, and Moon Glow and Gentle Rain, along with the girls, gathering greens, tubers, and whatever else they could find, with Sharp Eye providing security. Meanwhile, I acted as general foreman; obviously, I had the most difficult job!
So? OK, I admit it. I was floating along, waiting until we could move back to Fabton. Mostly, I spent my time trying to develop some sort of artillery. I was leaning toward a mortar, but I was having trouble coming up with a tube that would stand up to the propellant flame. Then it dawned on me, why not launch bombs from an onager. The onager served for centuries as a very satisfactory artillery piece, and they didn't have the advantage of gunpowder bombs.
The onager was a very efficient catapult and relatively easy to build. All I had to do for design specifics was to tap Hannah's AI. We had all of the raw materials we needed to build as many onagers as we needed. The elk would provide the sinew we needed for the elastic portion of the actuator, and we had access to all of the wood we could possibly want. That night, I had Hannah print a detailed plan and bill of materials for an onager of convenient size, and we started construction the next day.
It would have been nice to have access to a power saw, but we made do with the bronze ax. Strong Arm and I chopped some of the wood, but Hannah did the hard part when none of the others were around. I was still trying to maintain the fiction that Hannah was human, since I didn't want to start any folklore about super humans or demons. I felt a little dishonest for doing it, but I took credit for the woodworking that Hannah did.
Some of the construction was a little tricky, since it was the first onager I had ever built, but it finally went together with the expert coaching of Hannah's AI. Our first shots were true revelations; now I knew the significance of the name "onager." Man, what a kick! The recoil was absolutely fantastic. I was surprised that the machine didn't come apart with the first shot. It actually bounced into the air and nearly landed on my foot when it came back down. This certainly was not a rapid fire weapon because it took so long to realign it after each shot.
I still wasn't satisfied; the onager was better than nothing, but we needed something better. Maybe, a rocket could be configured to do what we needed without requiring an elaborate launch system. I didn't like the exhaust flame because of the danger of injuring friendlies, but we might have to live with that.
Fortunately, I had a good supply of gunpowder left, so I had something to experiment with. I made a V-shaped launching platform for my rocket from some pieces of wood left over from the onager project. I was still fumbling around looking for something to use for the body of the rocket. I didn't want to have to make the rocket body from wood, but I couldn't think of anything else to use. A search of Hannah's AI was no help, so I took to wandering around in the woods, looking for inspiration.
I finally found a tree with bark that I could strip off in sheets. I was able to soak the bark in hot water, roll it around a stick, tie it in place, and wait for it to dry. This produced a thin-wall tube that I could fill with gunpowder for my rocket body. I attached a long stick to the tube to stabilize its flight, and tried it out. The damned thing exploded before it ever launched! Back to the drawing board.
After thinking about the problem for a while, I decided to try a powder which didn't burn so fast. I tried cutting back on the sulfur, this helped, but not enough. Then I tried cutting back on the potassium nitrate. Ahah! Now I was getting somewhere! I played around with the formulation and found a combination which would burn fast enough, but not explode.
The formulation produced a rocket which would launch and fly through the air, but the flight pattern was so erratic that I had no idea where the rocket would land after it was launched. This was hardly a reliable weapon! It might work better if I could impart some spin to the rocket, somewhat the same way a bullet was stabilized by rifling. My first experiments were in adding fins to the stabilizing stick. This helped, but not enough. Then I added fins to the nose of the rocket. This was better, but still not perfect. Shit, the rocket was now so elaborate that it took me all day to make just one, and I needed at least 50. To hell with it! Back to the onager.
It seemed to me that what the onager needed was some sort of recoil dampener. If I had some large springs, I could make one. Hardened bronze could be fashioned into a spring, but I couldn't do anything about that now. I was going to have to wait until I returned to Fabton to do that.
At first, I had thought to use coil springs, but they were too damned hard to make by hand. So I looked at leaf springs, which were much easier to make. After a bit of diddling around, I was able to come up with a design using leaf springs as a recoil dampener. The springs I needed could be made in about 3 weeks, provided I had enough bronze. Well, all I could do now was wait.
While all this was going on, I had been servicing my wives on a regular basis. Of course, Hannah had been included in the schedule. She wanted it and the other wives expected it. That phase of our lives was progressing very pleasantly, but one day, Gentle Rain dropped a bombshell! She announced that she was pregnant. She was ecstatic, this would be her first baby, and she could hardy wait. The other wives were happy for her, and they all congratulated me.
I didn't know how to take the news. No matter what I looked like, I was not yet 17 years old. I wondered if I was mature enough to be a father, but Hannah insisted that all I need do was continue what I had been doing. She reminded me that, in the stone age, the majority of 16 year old boys were already fathers, and the human race had survived. That was a sobering thought! She advised me to relax and let the women handle the situation. I was certainly ready to follow that advice.
Winter was coming on, so we were working to prepare for the bad weather to come. We were far enough past the Ice Age that we were not going to get mountains of snow, but the weather would be cold enough that we would be grateful for the protection afforded by the cave. We had plenty of food for the humans, but I was not too sure about the horses. Had they been running free, they would be able to find enough to eat on their own. However,
we kept them penned up close to us for their protection, so they would not be able to go in search of food.
The horses were too valuable to leave them unprotected, so we fixed a stable area in the cave for them to use at night. They would be left in the corral area during the day, when they could be protected from wolves and other predators. We would just have to work out how to feed them when the time came.
The snow finally arrived, and I was glad to see that Hannah's weather predictions were pretty accurate. The snow was about 2 inches thick on the ground, but Hannah told me that it would be gone by nightfall the next day. She was right, but we then faced freezing weather which left the ground coated with ice like a skating rink.
We were sitting around, grousing about the weather, when we had our first visitors. Two men showed up and begged for shelter. We were not hurting for food nor for space, so they were welcomed to our fire. They were two disreputable looking men whom I was sure were bums and tramps. However, I couldn't turn them out into the weather, so we acted the part of congenial hosts. They were fed, and a place was found for them to sleep.
This was my night to spend with Moon Glow, so she was sharing my bed and Hannah was "sleeping" in another part of the cave. It must have been around 3:00 AM when I woke up with her shaking my shoulder. I started to say something when she shushed me. "Jacob, those two men are planning to kill you tonight and take the women for their wives. I heard them talking a few minutes ago as they were planning what to do. We must kill them, first."
"I believe you; I never did like their looks. What should we do?"
"I have brought you a club. Come with me."
I got out of the sleeping furs without waking Moon Glow and followed Hannah to the "guest room." We crept up and heard the men talking. They must have been psyching themselves up in preparation for the attack on me and had just not quite reached that point, yet. They didn't see us until I spoke.